
什么是企业的长期主义?如何以持续价值创造为目的,用更高效率,让更多人受益,提升整体社会福祉? 10月9日,“甦盛典・新商业TALK 2018”在京举行,众多行业大咖汇聚一堂,共话“长期主义”。云集创始人兼CEO肖尚略表示,持续关注用户核心价值,持续关注效率,让价值自由流淌,就是云集的长期主义。而精品会员电商企业正是基于云集的长期主义提出的,体现了服务会员,回归商业本质的精神。
“甦盛典・新商业TALK 2018”由《哈佛商业评论》中文版与场景实验室联合举办,旨在通过总结和发现在2018年最具创新性和启发性的商业新物种,从中探寻新商业的核心价值。本次盛典还公布了“年度新物种致敬”获奖名单,获奖个人有李东生、汪建国、曾德钧等知名企业家,获奖企业包括云集、瑞幸咖啡、超级猩猩等行业知名企业。
| 持续关注用户核心价值,持续关注效率
| 打造精品会员电商
“锚定长期价值,做当下的快速迭代”,这一直是云集快速发展的根基。 “云集在企业发展过程中,始终坚持关注用户核心价值、关注效率,持续改善、持续迭代。只有这样才能坚守企业长远愿景及使命,让买卖更简单、让生活更美好。”肖尚略表示。
 English version 
Yunji Recognized with Commerce Award by Harvard Business Review and Context Lab
Acknowledges Yunji’s Innovative e-Commerce Platform Driven by Social Interactions
HANGZHOU, China – October 10, 2018 – Yunji (the “Company”), a Chinese e-commerce platform driven by social interactions, has recently received the annual Social-Based Commerce award, courtesy of Harvard Business Review and Context Lab. 
Shanglue Xiao, the Founder and CEO of Yunji (Center Left) accepts the award on behalf of the Company on October 9, 2018. 
Each year, Harvard Business Review and Context Lab recognize leading companies in China that are reshaping traditional industries to provide new opportunities for consumers by leveraging new technologies, intelligent solutions and innovative business practices. 
This year, Yunji was recognized for its unique e-commerce business model, which is driven by social interactions. Yunji’s platform introduces consumers to a carefully curated selection of products that fit their needs and interest by their friends, family and respected opinion leaders. The Company has worked closely with more than 1,000 brands to carefully select a group of attractive products for share-loving members. As the e-commerce sector further evolves, Yunji remains at the forefront of change as the Company seeks to strengthen its social e-commerce platform and achieve its strategic growth objectives.
“This is an exciting time for the e-commerce industry in China, and we are thrilled to be recognized by Harvard Business Review and Context Lab as one of the companies driving change and creating new opportunities for consumers in both urban and rural environments,” said Shanglue Xiao, Founder and CEO of Yunji. “Since founding Yunji in 2015, we have remained committed to providing our paid members and end customers with an unmatched social shopping experience. As we transition into Yunji’s next phase of development, we are excited about the new possibilities for our paid members, customers and the e-commerce sector at large.”
“As one of the pioneers of social-driven e-commerce in China, Yunji’s approach to combining personalized recommendations and gamified sharing with an empowered group of active and share-loving members has set the Company apart,” said Sheng Wu, Founder of Context Lab. “Yunji embodies what these awards represent, and we are pleased to honor the Company’s leadership and innovation in the e-commerce industry.”
Shanglue Xiao accepted the award on behalf of Yunji at the New Business Talk 2018 Festival in Beijing on October 9, where he also gave a keynote address on how to “Let Value Flow Freely”.